Board Meeting Highlights
November 1, 2004

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the web site on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - November 1, 2004


Susan Mundick reported that on Tuesday, November 2nd the Mayor will be presenting a cheque to 2010 LegaciesNow as the city's contribution to support the hosting of national and international sporting events in Vancouver and BC, as part of opportunities leading up to the Winter Olympic Games.


Canadian Parks and Recreation Award to MoreSports
MoreSports, a unique sustainable program of community sports giving opportunities to families in Vancouver's north-east area, was recognized at the recent Canadian Parks and Recreation Association conference in Halifax with an Award of Excellence for Innovation. The Park Board has been a core partner in the formation and development of MoreSports since the start in 1992, contributing staff time, free access to fields and facilities, and a one-time $40,000 grant from the Corporate Sponsorship Fund. In the past year, MoreSports has trained 150 volunteers and involved 4,000 children and youth.

Synthetic Turf Playing Field - Site Selection
The Board endorsed the development of a lit synthetic turf playing field at Kerrisdale Park/Point Grey Secondary School, subject to the agreement of the Vancouver School Board (VSB). Funding for this new field is from the City-Wide Development Cost Levy (DCL) under the 2003-2005 Capital Plan, along with funds from the Dunbar, Point Grey and Kerrisdale Soccer Clubs, up to $400,000. A land exchange will be negotiated with the School Board so that the entire field can be developed on park property. This project is a critical milestone in the development of the Park Board's Playing Field Renewal Plan which recommended that an additional 6 artificial turf fields be constructed to meet the increasing demand for outdoor fields sports. The Kerrisdale/Point Grey site was recommended as the first field, following public consultation and technical evaluations amongst a short list of 5 locations. Construction of the $1.8 million field will start next spring. Staff will continue to work with the VSB to facilitate development of two other sites: Vancouver Technical and Churchill Secondary.

2006-2008 Capital Plan Process
Capital Plans are prepared every 3 years and are voted on by residents in the municipal election. Capital spending is needed to acquire, construct, maintain and renew the Park Board's large, diverse and, in some cases, aging system of buildings and open spaces. The capital plan process for 2006-2008, which includes the inter-related City and Park Board activities, was outlined to the Board. Preparation for the plan runs from October 2004 through to November 2005. Staff will solicit input from stakeholders and the public, and will develop a web-based capital plan resource to give access to key documents and information.

Public Art at David Lam Park
The Board received a donation of funds to commission public art for David Lam Park. The work by artist Doug Taylor is called "Khenko", the First Nations name for the Great Blue Heron. The 40 foot high sculpture is a heron, suspended below sails that rotate with the wind and cause the wings to move. Once installed, the public artwork will bring attention to the ongoing environmental restoration of False Creek.

Prospect Point Café Rent Review
The Board approved the postponement of a rent review and a review of the amount in lieu of property tax for the Prospect Point Café for one year. The Café operates a restaurant, gift shop, and take-out in Stanley Park, serving primarily tourists. The operator has had initial discussions about proposed major capital improvements and other changes to the Café that could benefit both the operator and the Park Board.

2005 Fees and Charges
The 2005 Fees and Charges was deferred to the next Finance Committee meeting on November 8th for further discussion regarding proposed increases to individual fees.


The next regular meeting of the Park Board will be held at 2099 Beach Avenue on Monday, November 15, 2004.