Board Meeting Highlights
September 17, 2007

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the web site on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - September 17, 2007


The Chair acknowledged and thanked Exempt staff for their work during the strike, thanked fellow Commissioners for their patience in the labour disruption, and recognized employees on the picket line. He also reported on this week's serious fire in Stanley Park, thanking both the residents who called in the alarm and the firefighters for their quick response.


Park Board related items on Council and Committee this week include: 2010 Winter Games Live Site Concept Plan, and Climate Protection Progress Report.


Golf Marketing Plan
The Board received for information the Golf Marketing Plan Review, prepared by Global Golf Advisors to improve customer service, and to increase rounds and resulting revenues. They also approved the Plan's Vision and Positioning of the Park Board's three major courses at Langara, Fraserview and McCleery. Staff were directed to hire a marketing consultant for a two year period to implement the Plan and carry out other related tasks. The financial strategies to fund these initiatives were approved, and will impact both operating and capital budgets.

Park Naming Process
A new process for naming parks was approved, which will provide greater consistency and more public input. The process includes revised naming guidelines and the formation of a Park Naming Committee, drawn from the community. Candidates for the committee will be solicited and brought back to the Board for appointment. The first project of the new group will be the naming of the recently completed park site at 72nd Avenue and Osler Street.

Stanley Park Restoration Plan Update
The Board received a progress report on the restoration in Stanley Park, summarizing all the activities over the last six months since the plan was approved. Forestry work in the hardest hit area around Prospect Point has moved along quickly despite earlier delays from bad weather and wildlife concerns. Remedial plantings can start in this zone soon after the last brush removal is complete. Hand scaling on the escarpment is being undertaken now that mechanized work on the crests is complete. Debris removal from the seawall is underway and work in the Lost Lagoon area has commenced. A statement of project expenditures to the end of August was given. The Board also endorsed the sale of low value Stanley Park timber, the provision of timber to Park Board projects, and the provision of timber to Olympic related facilties (including Hillcrest, Trout Lake and Southeast False Creek buildings).

Olympic Live Site
The Council report on the Live Site Concept Plan was received for information. The Board also endorsed the use of Yaletown's David Lam Park as a live site during the 2010 Winter Games and directed staff to work with City and VANOC staff to ensure the design, operation and restoration meet Park Board requirements. The two downtown live sites at the park and at the Beatty Street parking lot will offer free public access to watch daily sporting events and ceremonies on large screens and a variety of entertainment, cultural and recreational experiences. During the development of the live sites, community consultation will be carried out.


The next regular Park Board meeting will be held at 7 pm on Monday October 1 at 2099 Beach Avenue.