Board Meeting Highlights
May 3, 2004

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the web site on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - May 3, 2004


Chair Anita Romaniuk reported that a number of Commissioners and staff attended the BC Recreation and Parks Association annual symposium last week in Penticton. At this meeting, General Manager Susan Mundick was named President-elect of the provincial organization.


The Park Board's renovation of the interior of the English Bay Bathhouse has earned a City of Vancouver Heritage Award. Project Manager John Maxey and Manager of Facility Development Rudy Roelofsen presented the Chair with the award which recognized the restoration of the bathrooms in the 1932 building.


BCBC Portables on Park Land
The Board approved access to Park Board land for the replacement and upgrade of 3 ageing childcare portables with larger, modular buildings: Kitsilano Area Childcare adjacent to the Kits Community Garden, Harbourview Childcare at Burrard View Park and Nanook Childcare on South China Creek Park. Also, public consultation was approved around the replacement and relocation of a 4th childcare portable to Captian Cook Park; Gingerbread Daycare is currently located at 48th Avenue and Boundary. In addition, the Board approved public consultation around the YMCA's request to have a permanent buidling in the South China Creek location. Occupancy of the new modular buildings is set for March 2005.

Dog Off-Leash Program Enhancements
The Board approved funding of $83,000 for improvements to the Dog Off-Leash program, with the money to come from Corporate Sponsorships. These improvements include adding 3 new sites, extending hours at 7 exisiting sites, bag dispensers, dog activity equipment, signage, boundary definitions and contribution to a new joint Responsible Dog Ownership Inititative. Community consultation is underway on the proposed extended hours. In addition, turf repair will be undertaken at 6 of the most critical off-leash sites.

Everett Crowley Park Management Plan
The Board approved the appointment of LEES and Associates Consulting to develop a manangement plan for Everett Crowley Park. The park, the city's second largest forested area, is a major destination for various users including dog walkers, special event participants and environmental stewardship groups.

Alcan Dragon Boat Festival
The Board approved the one-time relocation of the 2004 Dragon Boat Festival to Creekside Park. The event, in its 16th year, is taking place June 18 to June 20.

2004 Capital Budget
The Board approved the 2004 Capital Budget of $20,353,000 which includes advance approved projects and recent cost escalation transfers. Sources of funding are Basic Capital, City Wide Development Cost Levy, Bayshore Development and City Matching Funds. This year's capital priorities include the following: Sunset Community Centre rebuild design development; Killarney Pool construction tender; Renfrew Pool upgrade; development of 2 artificial turf fields, neighborhood park enhancement projects for Kingcrest, Victory Square and Everett Crowley Parks; asphalt resurfacing in Queen Elizabeth, Stanley and McBride Parks; Queen Elizabeth reservoir desk plaza; and seawall upgrading. Further, the Board acknowledged contributions by partner community associations (Kitsilano, Renfrew and False Creek) totalling $487,850 towards capital projects.


The Board approved a motion to support "Move for Health Day: Active Children and Youth" on Monday, May 10. To encourage young people to take part in activities, free admission will be offered for children and youth to all Park Board operated public swim sessions on the 10th, as well as free access to Park Board operated fitness centres for youth (13-18 years) from 3 - 6 pm that day.


The next regular meeting of the Park Board will be held at 2099 Beach Avenue on Monday, May 17, 2004.