to Agenda
for the Meeting of the
Board of Parks and Recreation
Monday, September 09, 1996
Item 5 - Lubavitch Central Organization for Jewish Education
-Request for free admission to VanDusen Gardens
Rabbi Wineberg requested to speak to the Board regarding free admission
to VanDusen Gardens for the purpose of conducting a prayer service.
The Chair recommends that the Board provide $6,000 for the Community
Associations to retain a consultant to prepare a report on:
the role the Community Centres play
future Community Centre program requirements
Community Centre major maintenance and upgrading/improvement
The Chair to speak to the recommended procedures for the Board's
Special Meeting on September 16 regarding whales in captivity.
The Chair recommends that in view of the noise exceeding the by-law
requirements at the concert held at Nat Bailey Stadium on August 16,
the concerts scheduled for September 14 and 15, 1996 be cancelled.
Letter dated August 23, 1996 received from Kathleen Bigsby on behalf
of the Association Presidents regarding the need for upgrading the
community centres.
Response to UBC-Official Community Plan
This item has been withdrawn from the agenda.
Tender T96-15 - Purchase of Trees
Staff report dated September 5, 1996 recommending that the Board approve
the award of these contracts.
Noise Measurement Survey for Steely Dan Concert
Staff report regarding the noise measurement survey for the Steely
Dan concert held at Nat Bailey Stadium is submitted for the Board's
Election Systems and Municipal Government: Opinion Question
to Electors - 1996 General Local Elections, November 16, 1996
Administrative report dated August 28, 1996 to Vancouver City Council
was mailed to Board members. It is recommended that the Board receive
this report for information.
Sunset Ice Rink
Staff report dated September 5, 1996 recommending that the Board approve
the temporary transfer of $225,000 from the Lower/Upper Zoo Redevelopment
Project to fund the Sunset Ice Rink Repair, to be repaid in the 1997
Capital Budget.
General Manager Contract Awards in Excess of $50,000
Staff information report dated September 5, 1996 was mailed to Board