Aquarium Lease Amendment
Staff report dated October 31, 1996 recommending that the Board approve the amendment to the Aquarium lease as per Appendix A.
Item 6 - 1997 Fees and Charges
Glen Boyd, a painter in the Park, requested to speak to the Board.
Parks Control By-law - Cetaceans
Staff report dated October 30, 1996 recommending that prior to giving the Parks Control By-law second and third reading, the amendments be made as listed in the report. The enactment of a by-law requires three readings as per Park Board Procedure By-law Section 15 stated below:
15.1 Every by-law requires three readings.
15.2 If any two members object to the second and third readings being made on the same day, the second and third readings shall be voted on at the next regular meeting, but this section shall not apply at the last regular meeting of a Board's term.
15.3 A by-law shall be introduced by a motion that "the By-law be introduced and read a first time", which shall be decided without amendment or debate.
15.4 On passing of the motion, the by-law shall be read and the Chair shall declare the by-law to be open for discussion or amendment.
15.5 A by-law shall be deemed to be read when its title is read but if any two members require it, the entire by-law shall be read clause by clause.
15.6 After discussion and disposing of any amendments, a motion shall be put that the by-law be given second and third readings and the Chair and General Manager be authorized to sign and seal the by-law.
15.7 After the readings of a by-law, the General Manager shall certify the readings and dates thereof at the end of the by-law. 15.8 Where a by-law has been passed by the Board it shall be signed and sealed and retained for safe-keeping by the General Manager."
Moved by Commissioner Morgan,
THAT the Board pay for the installation of the granite benches in the Women's Monument Project at a cost not to exceed $14,000, with funds to come from park development monies.