A recording of the Agenda is available at 604-257-8507.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board held on Monday,
November 24, 1997 . (The minutes will be forwarded to the Board on December 4, 1997)
The following are excerpts from the Board's Procedure By-law:
"The General Manager shall call the first Board meeting of the year to order and conduct the meeting for election of the Chair or until an acting Chair is appointed. The General Manager shall proceed in the same manner whenever the chair is vacant until the Board fills the vacancy."
"The presiding officer of the Board shall be its Chair who shall be elected by a majority vote from among the Board members present.
The election of Chair shall be by ballot and shall take place at the first meeting in December of each year but if the vote is indecisive, the election shall take place at the next or subsequent meetings until the matter is determined.
If a Chair is not elected at the first meeting, the Board shall appoint an acting Chair who shall conduct the Board's meetings until a Chair is elected.
The term of the Chair commences on the date of the election as Chair and terminates on the date of the first meeting in December next ensuing or, if in the last year of a term of office as a member of the Board, at the end of the term of office.
If the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Board shall forthwith elect a new Chair on the basis herein described.
The Chair shall vote on all questions submitted and shall have the same rights and be subject to the same restrictions on participating in debate as other members of the Board."
"There shall be a Vice Chair elected in the same manner and for the same term as the Chair. The Chair shall preside during the election of the Vice Chair.
When the Chair is unable to carry out all or any of the duties of the presiding officer, the Vice Chair of the Board or in the absence of the Vice Chair, such other appointed Board member, shall act for the Chair until such time as the Board makes other arrangements.
If the office of Vice Chair becomes vacant, the Board shall forthwith elect a new Vice Chair on the basis herein described."
Recommendation: THAT the Board authorize the General Manager to draw warrants pursuant to Section 493 of the City Charter for the twelve month period of 1998.
It is normal practice for the Board at the first meeting in each year to authorize the General Manager to draw warrants pursuant to Section 493 of the City Charter for expenditures by the Board for the twelve month period of 1998. The following are the pertinent sections of the City Charter.
"Section 493 - 1. Save by resolution of the Council, the Board shall not authorize or make any expenditures except those provided for in the estimate as adopted by the Council.
2. The Board may, for a period of not more than twelve months at a time, give authorization in advance to the General Manager to draw warrants for payment prior to approval of the Board, but every warrant for a payment so authorized in advance shall be reported in writing by the General Manager to the Board within fifteen days after the end of the month in which the warrant is drawn."
The Chair to report on the previous year's operations.
"Tunnel Watch"
Park Board Signing Authority
Staff report dated November 26, 1997 recommending that the signing authority for the Park Board be designated as listed in the report.AAA Horse & Carriage - License Extension
This matter is referred from the Community Services and Budget Committee held on Monday, December 1, 1997. Staff report dated November 20, 1997 recommending that on the expiry of the first five year term of the licence agreement with AAA Horse & Carriage Ltd. On April 30, 1998 , the Board extend the agreement until September 30, 1998 and then if required, on a month to month basis, under the same terms and conditions, until such time as a decision is made as to whether to permit the horse drawn carriage service to continue for a further five years.Vancouver Canadians - Lease Renewal
Staff report dated November 27, 1997 recommending that the Board approve Recommendations 1 to 4 in the staff report.Implication to the Community Associations of the Changes in the Province's Gaming Policy
Staff report dated November 27, 1998 recommending that the Board receive the report for information.Park Board - Reengineering of Litter/Waste Control Process
This matter is referred from the Community Services and Budgets Committee held on Monday, December 01, 1997. Staff report dated November 27, 1997 recommending that the Board approve Recommendations A to C in the report.Park Board 1998 Capital Budget
Staff report dated November 27, 1997 recommending that the Board approve Recommendations A to C listed in the report.
Upgrading the Seaside Bike Route Along English Bay
Staff report dated November 26, 1997 recommending that the Board approve recommendations A and B (i) in the attached Council/Board report.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Monday, January 05, 1998 at 7:00 pm
Approval of Warrants
Warrant #49 in the amount of $191,976.62, Warrant #50 in the amount of $376,642.31: Cdn. $374,473.24, US $2,169.07.