Item 5 : 1998 Special Events
The following delegations requested to speak to the Board:
- Graham Kierstead, Vancouver Pride Society
- Frances Wasserlein, Vancouver Folk Music Festival
Item 7 : Brockton Totem Poles Visitor Centre - Marketing Plan
- George Frankel, Prospect Point Cafe, requested to speak to the Board
Stanley Park Pavilion -Lease Extension
Staff report dated January 29, 1998 recommending that the Board approve a lease extension for one year to the Stanley Park Pavilion under the current terms and conditions.Brockton Totem Poles Visitor Centre - Marketing Plan
Staff report dated January 29, 1998 recommending that the Board approve the marketing plan on the type of merchandise to be sold at the Brockton Totem Pole Concession/Visitor Centre.
1988 Capital Budget Revision
Staff report dated January 28, 1998 recommending that the Board allocate an additional $250,000 to the Kerrisdale Community Centre capital project for 1998.