Item 7 - Greening of Grimmett Park and the Relocation of the Pacific Indoor Lawn Bowling Club
The following delegations requested to speak to the Board:
- Mark Stoakes
- Lois Hille
- Harvey & Faro DesRoches
- Robert Kay
- Norm Broomhall, Pacific Indoor Lawn Bowling Club
- Michael Sanderson, Pacific Indoor Lawn Bowling Club
1998 Award for Concession Supplies
Staff report dated March 3, 1998 recommending that the Board approve the recommended list of suppliers (Appendix A) for concession products.Molson Indy Use of Creekside Park
Staff report dated March 5, 1998 recommending that the Board approve in principle the use of Creekside Park by the Molson Indy Vancouver Race for a four year period beginning in 1998 subject to conditions listed in the report.
Downtown South Downtown Cost Levy By-law
Staff report dated March 2, 1998 recommending that the Board endorse Recommendations A, B and C in the Council Report dated February 23, 1998.