Board of Parks and Recreation
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 7:00 pm
A recording of the Agenda is available at 604-257-8507.
- Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board held on Monday,
July 8, 2002
- City Council Report
Millennium Sports Facility - Members of the Millennium
Sports Facility to meet with the Board with regard to the recent announcement
on the Infrastructure Grant.
Item 3 - Kitsilano Yacht Club - Renewal of Operating Agreement
Fred Grimm, Former Commodore, Kitsilano Yacht Club requested to speak
to the Board.
- Kitsilano Yacht Club - Renewal
of Operating Agreement
Staff report dated July 11, 2002 recommending that the
Board renew the revised Operating Agreement with the Kitsilano Yacht
Club for five years from May 2002-May 2007, subject to the approval
of the General Manager and Director of Legal Services for the City
of Vancouver.
- Kitsilano Beach Restaurant and Take-Out
- Acceptance of Proposal from Peter Barnett
Staff report dated July 11, 2002 recommending that the Board approve
recommendations A to D.
- Pesticide Use Options for Private
Properties in Vancouver
Staff report dated July 11, 2002, recommending that the Board approve
the attached City Council Report dated July 09, 2002 entitled "Pesticide
Use Options for Private Properties in Vancouver."
- Ice Allocation Review
Staff report dated July 11, 2002 recommending that the Board receive
the report for information.
Appendix A - Ice Rink Programming Policy
- 2002 Financial Statements - Operating
Staff report dated July 10, 2002 recommending that the Board adopt
the plan recommended by staff to balance the 2002 Operating Budget.
Appendix 1
- Empire Bowl Fieldhouse
Staff report dated July10, 2002, recommending that the Board award
a contract for the work of tender T2002-10, Empire Bowl Fieldhouse
to CDC Construction Ltd., at a cost of $484,672 plus GST.
- Joint Operating Agreement
Task Force Terms of Reference
Staff report dated July 11, 2002 recommending that the Board endorse
the Terms of Reference for the Joint Operating Agreement Task Force
and approve allocation of $10,000 over a two year period to fund the
work of the Task Force.
- Still Creek Rehabilitation and
Report will be available concurrent with Council Report.
Appendix A - 10-50 year plan
Appendix B - 10 year plan
THAT the Board later this evening go into a meeting which is closed
to the public pursuant to Section 165.2 of the Vancouver Charter, to
discuss matters related to paragraph:
E. the acquisition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the
Council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to
harm the interests of the City.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Monday, September 16, 2002 at 7:00 pm