Board of Parks and Recreation
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, May 17, 2004 at 7:00 pm
A recording of the Agenda
is available at 604-257-8507
- Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board held on Monday,
May 03, 2004
- Hastings Park / PNE
Sue Harvey, Project Manager, to make a presentation to the Board with
regard to the planning process for Hastings Park/PNE.
Appendix A - City Report: Hastings Park/PNE - Four Approaches for the Future
- Rezoning of False Creek
North Parcel 6A and Timing of Creekside Park Extension

Staff report dated May 11, 2004 recommending that the Board receive
this report for information.
A - City report: CD-1 Rezoning of 900 Pacific Boulevard (False
Creek North Area 6A)
- Stanley
Park Commemorative Integrity Statement
Staff report dated May 4, 2004 recommending that the Board adopt the
Stanley Park Commemorative Integrity Statement with the amendment
described in the report as an acknowledgement of the Park's status
as a National Historic Site and as a reference for future decision
Appendix 1
[1.3Mb] - Stanley Park Commemorative Integrity Statement
- Park Board Pre 2000 and 2000
- 2002 Capital Plan Close-Outs
Staff report dated May 5, 2004 recommending that the Board endorse
the recommendation in the City Council Administrative Report "Park
Board Pre 2000 and 2000 - 2002 Capital Plan Close-Outs".
Appendix 1
- City Report: Park Board Pre 2000 and 2000 - 2002
Capital Plan Close-Outs
- Special Event - Weekend
to End Breast Cancer
Staff report dated May 6, 2004 recommending that the Board approve,
subject to community consultation, the recommendation to use Killarney
Park for the Weekend to End Breast Cancer 60 km walk on August 21
- 22, 2004.
Appendix A
- Proposed Special Events Policies
The following motion was put forward by Commissioner Anton:
- Members of the Eburne Lands Coordinating Group (ELCG) have been
meeting for many months now in promoting, among other things, a waterfront
walkway along the Fraser River foreshore on the south side of the
TransLink site at Eburne;
- On April 17, 2004 a meeting was held between representatives of
TransLink, the City of Vancouver, the Vancouver Park Board and members
of the Eburne Lands Coordinating Group;
- The meeting resulted in the statement of principles in Attachment
- On May 25, 2004 the TransLink development will be considered by
the Development Permit Board of the City of Vancouver;
- This Board commends the Eburne Lands Coordinating Group for the
many hundreds of hours of work it has put into consideration of the
issues around the Eburne site;
- This Board supports the waterfront walkway and requests that staff
communicate that support to the Development Permit Board on May 25,
NEXT MEETING: Monday, June 07, 2004
at 7:00 pm
Attachment A
Agreed statements from April 17, 2004 meeting between representatives
of TransLink, the City of Vancouver, the Vancouver Park Board and members
of the Eburne Lands Coordinating Group:
THAT, in time for the May 25, 2004 Development Permit Board meeting,
the City and TransLink will determine the capacity for moving 51 parking
stalls to the 75th Avenue right-of-way and/or the south end of Hudson
Street and/or the north end of the TransLink site.
THAT, in the event that these spaces can be moved, TransLink will develop
a riverfront walkway, within a statutory right-of-way, with pedestrian
and bicycle access from the southeast portion of the TransLink site,
such walkway to be no narrower than 15 feet in any location and maximizing
the width without negatively affecting bus parking.
THAT, agreement be reached regarding the construction of the walkway
to include a combination of resident/TransLink involvement, Park Board
input and TransLink design, focusing on soft treatment and native planting
consistent with the landscaping of the riverfront walkway to the west
(e.g. The Angus Corporate Centre).
THAT, TransLink, the City, Parks and Community commit to further exploration
of a visioning process for the Marpole/Vancouver Gateway.
THAT, the participants of the April 17th meeting agree that it would
be desirable for the TransLink payment-in-lieu to be dedicated to parkland
acquisition in Marpole.
THAT, TransLink meet on a regular basis through development, construction
and operation of the facility with a community committee and appropriate
other stakeholders to discuss additional issues of concern.