Board Meeting Highlights
June 21, 2004

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the web site on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - June 21 , 2004


Southeast False Creek - Choices and Directions
The Board approved a series of staff recommendations regarding the planning for the Southeast False Creek lands. The recommendations provide advice to Council on issues raised by the public, stakeholders, advisory groups and Councillors in their review of and amendment to the revised official development plan for the area.

The Park Board's advice relates to four issues most important to the delivery of parks and recreation opportunities:

  • Size and type of community facility
  • Amount of park
  • Character of water's edge
  • Urban agriculture

Recommendations to Council are:

  1. approval of an amendment to the SEFC Policy Statement requiring a full-size community centre including a boating facility for non-motorized boating
  2. confirmation of exising policy that requires a 26.4 acre public park
  3. approval of an amendment to the Policy Statement seeking a more active water's edge
  4. confirmation of existing policy seeking the provision of significant urban agriculture in SEFC
  5. approval of the recommendation seeking a balanced distribution of park across the entire site
  6. confirmation of existing policy designating the east end of False Creek for non-motorized boating use.

Float Plane Base Beside New Convention Centre
Staff provided a verbal report on the proposed temporary float plane base next to the new Convention Centre site at the end of Harbour Green Park. The Board approved a motion asking staff to work with the Development Permit Board to seek options (through configuration and/or design) to minimize the visual impact of the base from the park and seawall; and to reiterate with the Development Permit Board that the location is temporary.


The next regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, July 5, 2004 at 2099 Beach Avenue.