The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the web site on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.
Meeting Agenda - April 11, 2005
The Chair reported on the three public information sessions recently held on the Park Board's new Stategic Plan, and on the workshop held for community associations about the Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) Task Force recommendations.
The General Manager outlined a number of items on Council and Committee agendas this week related to the Park Board: approval of the grant for Phase 2 of the Millennium Sports Centre Project; GVRD Mosquito Control Administrative and Coordination Service; Community Energy System Feasibility Study and Business Case - False Creek Precinct; Report Reference for the Work Plan for the Child and Youth Advocate; Annual Report for the Advisory Committee on Seniors Issues; Annual Report for the Family Court/Youth Justice Committee; and approval of the Vancouver Community Climate Change Action Plan.
She also reported on the recognition brunch held April 2nd for our ParkPartners groups.
Award of Water Sports Concesssion at English Bay
Ecomarine Products has been granted approval to operate the non-motorized water sports concession at English Bay Beach for 2005 - 2007. Kayak tours, rental and instruction will be offered from May 1st through September.
Millennium Project Update and Grant Allocation
The Millennium Sports Centre, new home of the Phoenix Gymnastics Club and the Pacific Indoor Bowls Club, is approximately 70% complete. A recent application to the Canada/BC Infrastructure Program for additional money to finish it was sucessful and on April 19th the Government of British Columbia awarded $400,000 for Phase 2 of the project. The Park Board will also reallocate an additional $50,000 from its Capital Budget allocation. The new funding support will allow the Clubs to access the new centre in the summer of 2005 to begin their community programming.
Aquatics Program Study
The Board approved a work plan for the Aquatics Program study which will guide the operation and programming of the Board's indoor pools. The study is a companion piece to the 2001 Aquatic Services Review. A Task Force will be formed with Park Board staff and aquatic users. They will first look at historical benchmarks (such as user demand, financial and use assessment, and staffing) and then analyze such factors as supply vs demand, cost efficiencies and recovery and pool allocation policies.
Draft 2006 - 2008 Capital Plan
Approval was given to the Draft Capital Plan as the basis for review by the City and for community consultations. The draft, which addresses high priority projects for the Park Board, calls for a total of $80.6 million to be spent in three key areas: Preparation for the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games, Neighborhood Parks and Recreation Improvements, and Sustainability Initiatives. Olympic readiness ($33.8 million) includes ice rinks, curling venue, aquatic renewal and roads in Stanley and Queen Elizabeth parks. Park improvements ($19.2 million) include renewals, playgrounds, playfields, courts and youth, waterfront, conservation, infrastructure, planning and Neighborhood Matching Fund. Land acquisition and new park development total $6.0 million. Facilities ($15.6 million) include renewals and renovations, major maintenance, conservation and technical upgrades. Street Trees ($1.0 million) include increasing stocking levels and forest regeneration. An additional $5.0 million is identified for overhead to carry out the plan. Three public consulation meetings will be held soon for Board partners, stakeholders and the public.
2005 Operating Budget
The Board approved the Park Board global budget of $53.4 million, including $778,000 for Added Basic costs and one time adjustments, and the New and Non Recurring (NNR) budget of $462,500. This represents a 3.4% increase over the base net budget for the operating programs as approved in 2004. The 2005 operating budget includes funding for the Ethical Purchasing Policy implementation. Approval was also given for the creation of a CUPE 15 full time PC Support Technician position, to handle support for online registration and the internet.
2005 Capital Budget
This is the last year of the current 3 year capital plan. Approval was given to 2005 capital spending of $12,905,000 plus $5,245,000 in external contributions from partner organizations for a total of $18,150,000. Some highlights of proposed capital investment in parks and recreation services for 2005 are: construction tender for the new Sunset Community Centre, construction of #1 Kingsway including the new Mount Pleasant Community Centre, facility major maintenance work, land acquisitions for parks, new park at Osler and 70th, Queen Elizabeth Park reservoir deck plaza construction, enhancements at China Creek South and Falaise Parks, upgrading of Adanac grass playing fields, playground upgrades at Caribou, Charleson, Killarney, Tea Swamp and Trafalgar Parks, Jericho foreshore reconstruction and seawall widening at Coal Harbour.
The next regular meeting of the Park Board is at 7:00 pm on Monday, April 25th at Kerrisdale Community Centre.