Board Meeting Highlights
June 12, 2006

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the web site on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - June 12, 2006


The most recent Planning Committee agenda included a delegation from No Whales in Captivity, Science World development proposal, and donation for Ceperley playground area.


Park Board-related items on council and committee this week are: report on finding and recommendations of the Roles, Relationships and Reponsibilities Review Committee, and Southeast False Creek Public Benefits Strategy and Compatible Housing Strategy. The Park Board's 2005 Annual Report is newly printed, with broad distribution to Vancouver residents beginning this week. For the first time, the report is also available in Chinese at local community centres.


Theatre Under the Stars - 2006 Operating Agreement
The Board approved an operating agreement for the 2006 season for Theatre Under The Stars to occupy Malkin Bowl which will include a provision to sublet the venue to other musical/concert groups. TUTS, which started in Stanley Park more than 60 years ago, has decided not to stage any productions themselves this year while their current financial restructuring takes place.

Ethical Purchasing Policy
The Ethical Purchasing Policy, in place for one year, was amended to allow for different treatments for products being sold to the public and those for internal use. With the amendment, the policy will not be the overwhelming factor in awarding of contracts, and both certified and non-certified agricultural products will be offered for sale giving consumers more choice. The change is being made to improve customer service, help manage impacts on revenues and costs, and continue the implementation of ethical purchasing. Staff were also asked to report back to the Board in early 2007 at which time the Board will review the policy based on the budget and initiatives.

Charleson Park:  Statutory Right-of-Way
The Board granted approval for the construction by the City of a new sewer pump station at the edge of Charleson Park near Oak Street and 6th Avenue, to replace the current facility which presents safety concerns for workers. The new structure will be attractively designed and surrounding area enhanced. A modification to and reduction in area of the statutory right-of-way will be made to accommodate the project.

Sunset Beach Park:  Statutory Right-of-Way
A statutory right-of-way was granted to the GVRD over a portion of Sunset Beach Park. They are undertaking a major upgrade to their Jervis Street pump station which will include an expansion of the building and other work. The alterations will improve the site by eliminating dense bushes that have presented problems with people hiding and living there; they will be replaced with attractive planters. The right-of-way will connect to previous rights-of-way given to the GVRD for water and sewer pipes to the west. The work at Sunset Beach will take place over the winter months.

Operating Statement as at April 30, 2006
The Board received for information a financial report for the first four months of the year. Recreation, leases, marina and parking revenues are up compared to last year while revenues from concessions and golf are down. Amongst expenditures, payroll and city equipment are at or below 2005 levels, with utilities and supplies higher than last year. Staff are committed to balancing the budget by year end and are closely monitoring revenues and expenditures.


The next regular meeting of the Park Board will be held at 7:00 pm on Monday, June 26, 2006 at Riley Park Community Centre.