A recording of the Agenda is available at 604-257-8507.
Parks and Recreation Planning Committee
Parks and Recreation Finance Committee
Plaque unveiling and dedication ceremony at Lost Lagoon at 6:00 pm to honour the late Charles Franklin Moore's legacy gift to the Vancouver Park Board for the refurbishment of the Lost Lagoon Tennis Courts.
The following motion was put forward by Commissioner Herbert at the meeting of the Board held on Monday, September 11, 2006,
WHEREAS Mayor Sullivan has declared September Wild Salmon Month;
WHEREAS according to the Vancouver Aquarium the world's marine life is quickly being depleted, and an estimated 90% of all large fish are already gone from the world's oceans;
WHEREAS the Vancouver Park Board has restaurants, clubhouses, and concessions, 26 in total, operating under its purview;
WHEREAS Park Board food services partners serve a wide variety of seafood from the popular fish and chips to more exotic menu items;
WHEREAS the Park Board Strategic Plan states the preservation and enhancement of the natural environment is a core responsibility and that the Park Board will develop sustainable policies and practices that achieve environmental objectives while meeting the needs of the community;
WHEREAS the Vancouver Aquarium operates Ocean Wise, a conservation program that is successfully working with restaurants and their customers in making environmentally sustainable seafood choices, at the level they are able to manage; and
WHEREAS a number of restaurants within Stanley Park are already enthusiastic Ocean Wise participants;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation seek a partnership with the Vancouver Aquarium's Ocean Wise conservation program through incorporating Ocean Wise provisions into future Park Board leases or license agreements, ensuring Park Board run facilities are Ocean Wise, and through encouraging our concessionaires and restauranteurs to participate in the program before their licenses come up for renewal.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, October 2, 2006 at 7:00 pm, at Douglas Park Community Centre.