Board Meeting Highlights
February 26, 2007

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the web site on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - February 26, 2007


The Chair reported on the ground breaking ceremonies held last Friday for the new Olympic curling venue at Hillcrest Park; over 200 people attended the event, which highlighted the plans for the 2010 competition and the community legacy facilities post Games.


Park Board related items on Council and Committee agenda include: 2007 operating budget interim estimates, review of trial period for downtown skate plaza, and green house gas reduction strategy.


On Park Board Finance Committee agenda last meeting were 2007 operating budget and 2007 capital budget.


VanDusen Botanical Garden recently received the first Project EverGreen Canada Stewardship Award from the BC Landscape and Nursery Association.


Downtown Skate Plaza Trial Period
The Board endorsed the ongoing retention of the Downtown Skateboard Plaza following a two year trial period and evaluation. Opened in September 2004, the 'street style' park is generally well used and well regarded by skaters and the community alike. Noise and pedestrian safety as well as wear and tear on the plaza surface remain as issues to be addressed. Experience with the facility reinforces the importance of the Park Board's longer term Skateboard Strategy.

CO2 Reduction Strategy
A plan was approved to inject approximately $8.3 million from the City into the Park Board infrastructure and reduce green house gas emissions by 2,130 tonnes per year. A further contribution of $310,000 from Park Board's 2007 capital budget will reduce emissions by another 110 tonnes, to make a grand total of reduced emissions equivalent to those from 430 cars. This initiative, part of the Corporate Climate Change Action Plan, is directed at the Park Board as the organization is a large energy consumer. Examples of projects to reduce emissions are the introduction of solar heat at Templeton Pool and the transfer of heat from the refrigeration plant at Sunset Arena to the adjacent Sunset Nursery. Although this strategy focuses on larger buildings, the Park Board will also continue to explore further CO2 reduction options when smaller buildings and/or mechanical plants are in need or repair or replacement.

2007 ITU Triathlon World Cup
The Board approved the use of Ceperley Park and a partial road closure in Stanley Park in early June for the 2007 International Triathlon Union World Cup. This special event, which will involve 500 - 700 athletes and close to 200,000 spectators, is a test for the 2008 World Championships.


The next regular Park Board meeting will be held at 7pm on Monday, March 12, 2007 at 2099 Beach Avenue.