Board Meeting Highlights
march 10, 2008

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the web site on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - March 10, 2008


The Chair reported on the City's celebrations of International Women's Day on March 6th, with its theme of inspiration and achievement in sport; plans to mark International Day for the Elimination of Racism on March 21st include the display of a special quilt at Park Board offices.


Park Board related item on Council and Committee agenda this week is By-Law Enforcement and Enhanced Civil Order.


Draft 2009-2011 Capital Plan
The Board approved the draft Capital Plan for the next three years, and the opportunity for public input via one or more community meetings and the Park Board website. Priorities for 2009-2011 spending are Olympic readiness and legacy conversion, environmental and fiscal sustainability, and growth and density demands. The Plan totals $107 million plus $16 million from externally derived funds. Parks renewals and improvements account for $33 million, with facilities replacement and development accounting for $62 million; land acquisition, street trees and overhead round out the proposed costs. Next steps will be City inter-departmental review, and public consultations with partners and stakeholders. The final Capital Plan will go before voters in the November civic election.

Oppenheimer Park and Field House Upgrade: Concept Plan Approval
Following an extensive community process, the concept plan for upgrading East Vancouver's Oppenheimer Park and Field House was approved. Improvements include relocating and building a new field house, children's play area and basketball court, additional seating, upgrades to the irrigation system, drainage and paths, and commemorating features highlighting the cultural and historical significance of the park, which opened in 1898.


The Board put forward a Motion that the Vancouver Park Board request staff to work with its community partners to recognize and celebrate International Women's Day city-wide in the year 2009. The Motion was defeated.

The Board received a Motion that the Board support a motion of non-confidence in Commissioner Korina Houghton in her role as Chair of the Vancouver Park Board and respectfully request that Commissioner Houghton step down as Chair immediately. The Motion was defeated.


The next regular Park Board meeting will be held at 7 pm on Monday, March 31, 2008 at 2099 Beach Avenue.