The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the website on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.
Meeting Agenda - December 1, 2008
The Chair reported on the achievements for 2008 and for the past three years, giving operational highlights under each of the priority areas identified by the Board when they came to office in 2005. She acknowledged and thanked Park Board staff and fellow Commissioners for their hard work and contributions.
Outgoing Commissioners Korina Houghton, Spencer Herbert, Heather Holden, Marty Zlotnik and Allan De Genova were recognized and presented with a retirement gift.
The Oath of Office was administered by Acting City Clerk Marg Coulson for incoming Commissioners Constance Barnes, Sarah Blyth, Raj Hundal, Aaron Jasper, Stuart Mackinnon, Ian Robertson and Loretta Woodcock.
Commissioner Hundal was elected Chair and Commissioner Woodcock was elected Vice Chair of the new Board.
Meeting dates were approved for 2009 as follows:
These dates are in accordance with 2009 Council meeting dates.
Guests met the new Commissioners at a reception following the inaugural meeting.
The next regular Park Board meeting will be held at 7 pm on Monday, December 8, 2008.