Board of Parks and Recreation
Planning & Environment Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 9, 2009 at 6:00 pm
at 2099 Beach Avenue
- Approval of Minutes of March 3, 2009

- David Lam Park - Transmission Line
Proposal to undertake exploratory directional drilling for new high voltage electrical line.
Presentation Slides
[1.6 Mb]
- 2009 Capital Budget
Proposed Capital Expenditures for 2009 as part of the 2009-2011 Capital Plan.
- 2008 Capital Close-Out
Financial close-out
of completed capital projects from previous capital plans.
- Kensington Park - Skateboard Facility
Feedback from recent public consultation process.
- Update on Northeast False Creek
Staff update on the City's
review of possible changes to the Official Development Plan for the area.
Presentation Slides 
Members of the public will be invited to speak to the Committee on these items.
For further information, please contact Julie Casanova at 604.257.8451.
Next Meeting: Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 6:00pm