Board of Parks and Recreation
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, April 19, 2010 at 7:00 pm
AGENDA - Revised (April 15, 2010)
A recording of the Agenda
is available at 604-257-8507.
- Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board held on Monday, March 22, 2010.

- Minutes of the special meeting of the Board held on Monday, March 29, 2010.

- No-Smoking Policy for Vancouver Parks and Beaches
Staff report
dated April 8, 2010 recommending that the Board instruct the General Manager to consult with the Director of Legal Services to seek amendments to the City of Vancouver Health Bylaw and Parks Control Bylaw to prohibit smoking in all parks and beaches.
- First Tee Youth Golf – Host Facility Agreement
Staff report
dated April 8, 2010 recommending that the Board approve recommendations A to C.
- Accomplishments Report 2009
Staff report
dated April 9, 2010 recommending that the Board receive this report for information.
- Watermark Restaurant - Assignment of Lease
Staff report
dated April 8, 2010 recommending that the Board approve recommendations A to C.
- Changes to Authority to Contract ("Standing Authorities") and updated Procurement Policy
Staff report
dated April 1, 2010 recommending that the Board approve the Procurement Policy attached in Appendix I (including changes to the Standing Authorities) and that those changes take effect beginning April 20, 2010. Appendix I
, Appendix II
- Administrative Report – Position Changes
Staff report
dated March 31, 2010 recommending that the Board approve the creation of 4 CUPE 15 regular full-time positions and 2 CUPE 15 regular part-time positions, with the source of funds as indicated in the body of this report. All positions being created are subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources.
- Special Events Permits
Staff report
dated April 16, 2010 recommending that the Board approve recommendations A to C.
The following motions were put forward by Commissioner Barnes:
- WHEREAS at the regular Board meeting on Monday, July 20, 2009, the Board revised the list of members that was established on February 02, 2009 for two committees, Services and Budgets and Planning and Environment and appointed the new Chair and Vice Chair and Committee members;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board rescind the Planning and Environment Committee motion as approved at the July 20, 2009 meeting appointing the members for this Committee.
- THAT the Vancouver Park Board change the Planning and Environment Committee as follows:
Commissioner Sarah Blyth, Chair,
Commissioner Raj Hundal, Vice-Chair
Commissioner Stuart Mackinnon
Commissioner Ian Robertson
The following motion was put forward by Commissioner Woodcock:
- WHEREAS on March 22, 2010 the Park Board approved the motion to support the City of Vancouver's declaration as a True Sport Community;
WHEREAS at the March 25, 2010 Standing Committee on City Services & Budgets, City Councillors unanimously supported the True Sport motion;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Vancouver Park Board declares itself a True Sport organization.
NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Monday, May 03, 2010, 7:00 pm, Park
Board office.