Board Meeting Highlights
November 7, 2011

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the website on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - November 7, 2011


The Chair reported on the official opening of the new VanDusen Visitor Centre, Diwali Festival final celebration, 100th anniversary of the Stanley Park Pavilion and Heritage Rock Garden, Hollow Tree restoration event, West End rooftop garden open house, official opening of the new Hillcrest Centre and Cultural Harmony Awards.


The General Manager gave a brief update on the recruitment for the new Director of Parks.


Boys and Girls Club of South Coast BC - Lease Renewal
The Board renewed the lease with the Boys and Girls Club of South Coast BC for a portion of Fraserview Park for a 10 year term from February 1, 2012 to January 31, 2022. This will allow for continued use and enjoyment of the park by the club and provide for assessment of major maintenance requirements for the 50 year old facility.

Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Attraction
The Board authorized staff to enter into discussions and negotiations with the Aboriginal Tourism Association of BC to clarify and finalize the terms and conditions of creating an Aboriginal cultural centre and attraction located on the grounds of the former Children's Farmyard in Stanley Park.

TELUS Cellular Installation - Nat Bailey Stadium
The Board approved a 5 year licence agreement with up to 3 additional 5 year renewal terms with TELUS to replace the last remaining original field lighting pole at Nat Bailey Stadium with a new monopole, and concurrenlty upgrade their cellular installation at the stadium to 9 antennas. Rent wil be $33,750 for the first 5 year term and subject to a rent review at the conclusion of the initial term and each of the additional 5 year renewal terms.


The Board put forward a motion that staff explore opportunities of embedding information regarding park names into the fabric of our parks, potentially through such strategies as engraved boulders, signage, recycled materials etc. The motion carried.

The next regular Park Board meeting will be held at 7 pm on Monday, November 28, 2011 at 2099 Beach Avenue.