Committee and Board Meeting Highlights
June 11, 2012

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the website on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - June 11, 2012

Park Board Committee Meeting

Staff Reports

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Cellular Infrastructure in English Bay Parks
The Board approved the installation by TELUS of three integrated Electric Vehicle charging stations and cellular pole infrastructure to be located in pay parking lots along Beach Avenue.  A five year license agreement with three additional five year terms were approved for TELUS to operate the radio communications equipped installations.  The rent structure will be $11,500 per site per year for the initial five year term and will increase by 10% over the previous term for each of the three additional terms. The Board amended the motion to include that the power cost not be borne by the Park Board over the period of the lease. The innovative new infrastructure will provide recharging capabilities for electric vehicles and an improved cellular network for West End residents and visitors.


Commissioner De Genova put forward a motion that the Board direct staff to immediately cease the practice of ordering food and beverages for staff briefings. The Motion was defeated. 

Commissioner De Genova put forward a motion regarding restoring staff hours to Community Centres. The motion was amended to move that the Board direct staff to report back to the Board on the implementation of the 900 hours initiative including the consultation process, initiatives explored by each Centre, and the rationale for the implementation. The motion as amended was carried.

Regular Board Meeting

Election of Chair
Commissioner Sarah Blyth was elected as the new Park Board Chair; Commissioner Niki Sharma was elected Committee Chair, with Commissioner Trevor Loke elected as Committee Vice Chair.

Chair's Report
The Chair reported on recent events: launch of the food cart pilot in Stanley and Queen Elizabeth Parks, Brock House Seniors Centre Tea and Clean Sweep at the Village on False Creek.

General Manager's Report
The General Manager reported on Park Board related items at Council and Committee: Vancouver Sport Hosting Grant 2012 Spring Intake Allocations, Q1 Capital Budget Adjustments and Closeouts, and New Strategies to Provide Studio and Creative Spaces.

Report of the Park Board Committee
The Board approved the recommendations of Committee: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Cellular Infrastructure in English Bay Parks, and motion on staff hours at community centres (see Committee highlights above).

Next Meetings
The next Park Board Committee Meeting will be held at 7 pm on Monday, June 25, 2012 at 2099 Beach Avenue with next Regular Park Board Meeting held immediately following the Committee Meeting that evening.