Committee and Board Meeting Highlights
June 10, 2013

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the website on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - June 10, 2013

Park Board Committee Meeting

Chair's Report
The Chair reported on a recent event: Celebrate! Stanley Park media launch and Vancouver Heritage Awards.

Staff Presentations
Park Naming Policy Update
Staff presented an information update on streamlining the park naming process for a number of parks across the city, featuring public engagement with interactive web tools.

Stanley Park Ecological Action Plan Update
Staff presented an information update on the progress of the implementation of the Stanley Park Ecological Action Plan, approved in 2011. The plan enhances the ecological integrity of the park through a variety of actions, including producing a Best Management Practices guidelines for species of significance, construction of a new boardwalk at Cathedral Trail, and restoring habitat islands in Lost Lagoon.

Regular Board Meeting

General Manager’s Report
The Deputy General Manager reported on the production of the new Stanley Park Map & Guide which features the park’s 125th anniversary branding and celebration events this summer.

Notices of Motion
Commissioner Barnes put forward a notice of motion re: Safety Improvements along the Stanley Park Causeway.
Commissioner Coupar put forward a notice of motion re: Marina Review, Metrics and Value of Recreational Boating to the Park Board.

Recommendations from In Camera
The Board approved the release of the following recommendations from the In Camera portion of the Regular Park Board meeting.

  1. That the Board approve acceptance and implementation of the interim agreement between the Park Board and the Community Centre Associations with a recreation access card (no charge) to be ready for implementation in community centres by September 1, 2013 as per the signed agreement.
  2. That staff be directed to implement the free recreation access card (OneCard) by July 8, 2013 at all pools, rinks and other Park Board-operated facilities. Furthermore that staff be directed to develop and implement special promotions which encourage members of the public to obtain and use the new card.
  3. That staff be directed to consult with key stakeholders, Community Centre Associations and the public to prioritize planning and implementation of core programs with a strategy by September 1, 2013 and implementation of the first phase by January 1, 2014. As per this interim agreement, all revenues will flow to the participating CCA's pending any changes that result from a new JOA. Core program costs will be paid from core program revenues.
  4. That staff be directed to work with CCAs to support their public consultation in regard to the $1M capital fund with the goal of allocation decisions being ready for Park Board approval by October 1, 2013.
  5. That staff continue to negotiate the outstanding elements of the framework approved at the February 4, 2013 Park Board meeting. The target date for a new JOA incorporating the framework shall be December 31, 2013.

Next Meeting
The next Park Board Committee Meeting will be held at 7 pm on Monday, June 24, 2013 at 2099 Beach Avenue with next Regular Park Board Meeting held immediately following the Committee Meeting that evening.