Committee and Board Meeting Highlights
JANUARY 20, 2014

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the website on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - January 20, 2014

Park Board Committee Meeting

Staff Reports

Special Event Approval – St. Patrick Day Run 2014
The Board approved a request from the Running Room, organizers of the St. Patrick’s Day 5K running race, for the closure of Stanley Park Drive on March 15, 2014 from 9:30 to 10:30 am.

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden and Park Heritage Registry
The Board directed the Park Board General Manager to provide a letter to the Heritage Group, Planning and Development Services, indicating an approval in principle for the addition of the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden and Park to the Vancouver Heritage Register.

Proposed Riverfront Park Community Garden
The Board approved a new community garden in Riverfront Park with a five year license to the South Vancouver Family Place Society to operate the garden.

Proposed Beaconsfield Park Community Garden
The Board approved a new community garden in Beaconsfield Park with a five year license to the Italian Cultural Centre Society to operate the garden.

Regular Board Meeting

General Manager’s Report
Park Board related items at Council and Committee this week include: Pearson Dogwood Policy Statement.

Report of the Park Board Committee
The Board approved the recommendations of Committee: Special Event Approval – St.Patrick Day Run 2014, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden and Park Heritage Registry, ProposedRiverfront Park Community Garden, and Proposed Beaconsfield Park Community Garden (seeHighlights above).

Commissioner DeGenova put forward a motion re respectful work place. The motion was amended to move that the Park Board direct staff to report back within the next 30 days, on current practices with regards to respectful workplace policy with City of Vancouver employees.

Motions on Notice
Commissioner Loke put forward a motion on notice re Vancouver Sport Network liaison.
Commissioner Coupar put forward a motion on notice Park Board heritage actions.
Commissioner Blyth advised of a motion on notice re park art opportunity.
Commissioner DeGenova advised of a motion on notice re expediting completion of Killarney Seniors’ Centre. Commissioner DeGenova also advised of a motion on notice re appreciating funding for Killarney Seniors’ Centre.

Next Meeting
The next Park Board Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, February 3, 2014 at 2099 Beach Avenue with next Regular Park Board Meeting held immediately following the Committee Meeting that evening.