Board of Parks and Recreation
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, July 21, 2003 at 7:00 pm
A recording of the Agenda is available at 604-257-8507.
- Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board held on July
07, 2003
- Parks Control By-law: Sec 9(e)(i to iv)
The following delegations requested to speak to the Board:
- Annelise
Sorg, Coalition for No Whales in Captivity
- Denis Howarth
- Tim Louis
- Donna Morgan
- Ric O'Barry, World Society for the Protection of Animals
- Anthony Marr
- Brian Salmi
- Bob Chorush
- Lynn Johnson
- Lee Johnson
- Recreation Software
Staff report dated July 9, 2003 recommending that the Board
receive the report for information.
- Queen Elizabeth
Reservoir Landscape: Concept Plan
Staff report dated July 9, 2003 recommending that the Board approve
the Queen Elizabeth Park Reservoir Landscape Concept Plan and that
the budget be set at $3.4 million and the project be funded as described
in the report.
Attachment 1 - Concept Plan: Page
1, Page 2, Page
3, Page 4, Page
5, Page 6, Page
7, Page 8
Attachment 2
- Plaza
Design Survey
- Champlain Heights
Community Centre Addition - General Manager Approval of the Tender
during the Board's Summer Break
Staff report dated July 8, 2003 recommending that the Board grant
authority to the General Manager to award the construction contract
for Champlain Heights Community Centre Addition, as may be required
during the Board's 2003 summer break.
- Ice Allocation
Staff report dated July 11, 2003 recommending that the Board receive
the Ice Allocation Task Force's report for information and that the
Board approve the
Ice Allocation Policy.
Appendix A
- Rink
Task Force 2003 Report
Appendix B
- Proposed
Ice Allocation Policy
Appendices C and D
- Ice Rink Programming Policy (1989) and Ice Allocation Task Force
(Terms of Reference)
- Special Event Policy
Staff report dated July 9, 2003 recommending that the Board receive the
Draft - Guide to Special Event in Parks Report for information and that
the Board forward this report to partners and stakeholders for further
Attachment 1
Special Events Focus Group Consultation
Attachment 2
Public Opinion on Use of City Parks for Special Events Summary
- Waterfront Summer Use
Staff report dated July 11, 2003 recommending that the Board approve
the four components of a comprehensive waterfront policy as the basis
for the development of a terms of reference and funding proposal and
that the Board endorse the inventory of summer uses on Vancouver's
public waterfront as described in this report at a cost not to exceed
$25,000 as a first step in the waterfront planning process.
- 2010 Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic
Staff report dated July 10, 2003 recommending that the Board send a
letter of appreciation to the 2010 Bid Corporation for their outstanding
work in securing the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.
Diagram 1 - Artist
Rendering of Hillcrest/Nat Bailey Stadium Park Arena
Diagram 2 - 2010 Olympic Winter Games
- Sale of City-Owned
Property - 4168 Atlin Street

Staff report dated July 11, 2003 recommending that the Board approve
the recommendations listed in the report.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, September 8, 2003
at 7:00 pm