Board of Parks and Recreation
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, February 23, 2004 at 7:00 pm


A recording of the Agenda is available at 604-257-8507

  1. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board held on Monday, February 9, 2004 .
  1. Collingwood Hall
    Staff report dated February 12, 2004 recommending that the Board approve recommendations A to D.
  2. Golf Clubhouse Coordinator Positions
    Staff report dated February 12, 2004 recommending that the Board approve the establishment of two full-time Clubhouse Coordinator positions in Golf Operations.
  3. Nat Bailey Stadium Lease Agreement
    Staff report dated February 13, 2004 recommending that the Board approve recommendations A to C.
  4. Capital Budget Advance Approvals
    Staff report dated February 13, 2004 recommending that Council be asked to approve capital spending of $2,030,000 for current Park Board projects, outlined in the attached Council Report in advance of the 2004 Park Board Capital Budget to be forwarded to Council later this year.
  5. Seawall Walkway Separation and Widening
    Staff report dated February 10, 2004 recommending that the Board approve the award of a tender to implement construction of the widening and separation of 2.3 kilometers length of the Stanley Park Seawall.
  6. Riley Hillcrest Master Plan Update - Appointment of Consultants
    Staff report dated February 11, 2004 recommending that the Board appoint Hughes Condon Marler Architects to develop an updated Master Plan for the Riley, Hillcrest and Nat Bailey Stadium Parks.
  7. Initiative to Improve the Energy Efficiency of City-Owned and City-Occupied Buildings
    Staff report dated February 9, 2004 recommending that the Board endorse recommendations A and B in the attached City Council report entitled Initiative to Improve the Energy Efficiency of City-Owned and City-Occupied Buildings dated February 24, 2004.
  8. Operating Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2003
    Staff report dated February 3, 2004 recommending that the Board receive the report for information.
    Appendix A - Operating Statements
  1. The following motion was put forward by Commissioner Anton,


    The HSBC Celebration of Light is an important event for the City of Vancouver, drawing many thousands of residents and visitors for each evening's show;

    The City of Vancouver has recently decided not to designate the HSBC Celebration of Light as a civic event;

    The Mayor has indicated that the City would be willing to make good any cost overruns, suggesting the City might be willing to reconsider its decision;

    The Vancouver Park Board is an integral part of the HSBC Celebration of Light as much of the event takes place on Park Board sites;

    It is resolved that:

    This Board supports the designation of the HSBC Celebration of Light as a civic event and requests that the City make that designation.

  2. The following motion was put forward by Commissioner Anton,


    Park Board sites are host to the vast majority of Celebration of Light spectators, including English Bay, Vanier and Hadden Parks, Kitsilano Beach and Park and the small parks along Point Grey Road;

    Park Board staff work throughout the night after each display to clean the beaches and parks (this cost is compensated by the City);

    Park Board rangers are present each fireworks night to assist with the crowds;

    Park Board management devotes considerable resources to supporting the Celebration of Light;

    Park Board staff do extensive site rehabilitation following the events;

    The Vancouver Park Board has not to date been recognized as a partner to the event;

    It is resolved that:

    This Board respectfully requests that the HSBC Celebration of Light designate the Vancouver Park Board as a sponsor/partner of the HSBC Celebration of Light;

    This Board requests the support of the City of Vancouver in this request to the HSBC Celebration of Light.

  3. The following motion was put forward by Commissioner Anton,


    Electoral reform in the City of Vancouver has the potential of having a profound effect on the relationship between the Vancouver Park Board and its community partners, such as the community associations;

    Electoral reform furthermore has the potential of having a profound effect on the relationship between the Vancouver Park Board and the citizens of Vancouver;

    This Board is committed to openness and transparency;

    On February 20, 2004 this Board conducted a private meeting between Mr. Berger of the Electoral Reform Commission, his counsel and board members and staff;

    Any advice given by Mr. Berger and his counsel should be heard by both the community partners of the Park Board and by members of the public;

    Good information is necessary for an informed debate;

    Therefore it is resolved that:

    This Board request that Mr. Berger come to or arrange a public meeting to which the community partners of the Park Board and members of the public are invited so that those partners and citizens may have the information necessary for them to enter into an informed debate on the subject of electoral reform and the Vancouver Park Board.


NEXT MEETING: Monday, March 8, 2004 at 7:00 pm