The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the web site on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.
Meeting Agenda - May 17 , 2004
Susan Mundick updated the Commissioners on the recent reports of dogs getting sick after visits to and around Cambridge Park. At this time, no evidence of any unusual substance or other concerns have been found in the park located at Powell and Wall Streets. The Park Board is continuing to monitor the situation and has been working with police, animal control, health and railway officials to follow up on the reports. Information signs have been erected in Cambridge and in neighboring Oxford Park to advise dog owners. Anyone with information on the situation is asked to contact the Vancouver East district office.
Hastings Park/PNE
Sue Harvey, project manager from the City, presented an overview of
recent public consultation processes and results around shaping the
future of Hastings Park and the PNE. Four approaches or options have
been drafted all of which include components of the 1997 Hastings Park
Restoration Plan and contain an annual summer fair. She compared and
contrasted each approach on its various components and level of public
support. More information on the approaches can be found in the City
Council report. Council will hold public hearings on Hastings Park/PNE
June 1 and June 7.
Rezoning of False Creek North Parcel 6A
and Timing of Creekside Park Extension
The Board received an information report which provided background information,
public reaction and a preliminary review of possible alternatives to
a zoning report recommendation (for land parcel 6A) which, if approved
by Council, will delay the delivery of Creekside Park Extension because
of soil remediation objectives in False Creek North. A motion was passed
by the Board to request Council to explore mechanisms to deliver the
new park as early as possible, and to consider a year by which the new
park must be delivered, at the time when a rezoning application is received
for nearby parcel 6C.
Stanley Park Commemorative Integrity Statement
The Board approved the adoption of the Stanley Park Commemorative Integrity
Statement, with an amendment relating to the Vancouver Aquarium. The
Statement is an acknowledgement of the park's status as a National Historic
Site (designated by the Federal Government in 1988) and is a reference
for future decision making. Stanley Park is recognized for "its
splendid setting…and the relationship between its natural environmental
and cultural elements developed over time…epitomizing the large
urban park in Canada…"
Park Board Pre-2000 and 2000 to 2002 Capital
Plan Close-outs
The Board endorsed the recommendations to close out certain completed
capital projects from previous capital plans. 124 projects worth $29
million were closed out and the balances moved forward to help fund
current projects, as part of this periodic review.
Special Event - Weekend to End Breast Cancer
Following the completion of community consultation, the Board approved
the overnight use of Killarney Park in East Vancouver for the Weekend
to End Breast Cancer 60 km walk, August 21 - 22. Net proceeds from the
event, expected to attract 3,000 participants, will benefit the B.C.
Cancer Foundation.
The Board approved a motion that commends the Eburne Lands Coordinating Group for the many hundreds of hours of work it has put into consideration of the issues around the Eburne site; and supports the waterfront walkway, and requests staff to communicate that support to the Development Permit Board on May 25.
The next regular meeting of the Park Board will be held at 2099 Beach Avenue on Monday, June 7, 2004.