Board Meeting Highlights
September 25, 2006

The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the web site on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.

Meeting Agenda - September 25, 2006


The newly renovated tennis courts at Lost Lagoon, funded through a donation from the estate of Charles Franklin Moore, were dedicated. The redeveloped Falaise Park Wetland in East Vancouver was officially opened Sunday. Recently received National Merit Awards from the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects were a recognition of the outstanding design, creativity and vision in three downtown park projects: Stanley Park Salmon Stream, George Wainborn Park and Harbour Green Park 2. September 27th marks the 117th anniversary of the opening of Stanley Park.


Park Board related item on Council and Committee agenda this week: Olympic Legacy Funding report.


On the most recent Finance Committee agenda were Jericho Arts Centre proposal, 2007 Operating Budget Process and Golf Plan. Planning Committee agenda items included Trillium parksite and Ceperley Playground Air India Donation.


Plaque unveiling and dedication ceremony honoured the late Charles Franklin Moore's legacy gift to the Park Board for the refurbishment of the Lost Lagoon Tennis Courts.


Hillcrest Complex Design
The Board approved the Development Permit Design for the Hillcrest Park complex, which will house the 2010 Winter Games curling events. Post Olympics, the building will be converted to a multi-purpose recreation facility to include the new Riley Park Community Centre, community rink, branch library, curling club and Percy Norman Aquatic Centre. To be built to LEED Gold standards, this particular version of the complex will be presented to the community in an Open House on October 4th.

Olympic Legacy Projects: Funding Options
A funding strategy was endorsed to realize the Vancouver Olympic Centre complex, including its legacy conversion, as well as the replacement of the Killarney and Trout Lake rinks. The strategy was developed to address major cost escalations in the construction industry which have significantly affected these Park Board projects. Through the funding package, the Park Board gains over $105 million worth of planned infrastructure renewal, with the City and Park Board contributing 59% of the money, with the Federal and Provincial governments through VANOC contributing 41%. The Park Board's portion ($21.46 million) will come from some reallocation of the 06 - 08 Capital Plan, combined with energy savings in the LEED Gold facility, and bridge financing from the City. Staff will report back on a fundraising strategy with Park Board community partners including VANOC, and the Federal and Provincial governments, to reduce the amount of bridge financing. Staff will also report back on the concept of a partnership with the University of British Columbia (UBC) that would see UBC not replace Empire Pool; UBC would reallocate those monies to the Park Board to relocate Canada's national swim facility, now at UBC, to the new Percy Norman Pool complex.

2006 Operating Statement as at August 31
The Board received for information the financial statements for the first eight months of 2006. Revenues are at or above budget for all areas except golf with the greatest increases over last year in concessions, parking and leases. Expenditures of all types are up, with utilities showing the greatest increases. Staff will continue to monitor the Board's financial position and are projecting to meet budget at year end.

Fundraising and Development Status Report
The year to date status report for fundraising and development was received for information. Revenues raised January through August totalled $600,000 from established programs and new initiatives, with support from the community continuing to grow. The Board approved the ongoing allocation of $30,000 to establish a regular part time administrative position for fundraising and development, and also approved the transfer of surplus funds to an interest bearing account to maximize revenues provided through donation programs.


A Motion regarding the involvement of Park Board restaurants, concessions and club houses in the Vancouver Aquarium's Ocean Wise conservation program was referred to Planning Committee, and staff directed to report back on the merits of the program.


The next regular meeting of the Park Board will be held at 7:00 pm on Monday, October 2, 2006 at Douglas Park Community Centre.