A recording of the Agenda is available at 604-257-8507.
Award Presentation
UBCM 2008 Community Excellence Community
Stewardship Award
The following motion was received by the Committee at its meeting of September 22, 2008:
WHEREAS the Burrard Civic Marina has demand for boat moorage and the Marine Trades Association has indicated an interest in helping the Vancouver Park Board, create a new vision for the Marina;
WHEREAS the Vancouver Park Board would like to improve and expand its services at Burrard and look at both dry land storage, retail and food and beverage operations;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff contact the Marine Trades Association to investigate their interest and potential involvement in a re-development of Burrard Civic Marina and long-term vision for marine boating operations;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff, in consultation with the Board, determines the best practices of other operators in North America for similar operations;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff report back to the Vancouver Park Board by March 1, 2009.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, October 6, 2008 at 7:00 pm.