The following information is intended to provide quick highlights of this scheduled Board meeting. Every attempt has been made to summarize these highlights as accurately as possible; however, the complete and official minutes will be posted on the website on the Monday one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.
Meeting Agenda - January 19, 2009
The Chair reported on the New Year's Day Polar Bear Swim at English Bay and the December 15th Donor Recognition event in Stanley Park.
Park Board related items on Council and Committee agenda this week are 2010 Winter Games: Amendments to the Vancouver Charter, and Granville Loops Policy Plans.
Stanley Park Hollow Tree Restoration Proposal
A design by Cascade Engineering Group was approved to realign and permanently stabilize the Hollow Tree in Stanley Park. The Board encouraged the Stanley Park Hollow Tree Conservation Society to complete their fundraising for the project.
2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games: Vancouver Charter Amendment Proposals
The Board deferred to a future meeting the proposed Vancouver Charter amendments relating to Park Board powers to regulate advertising and signage in parks.
Potential Skateboard Park in Kensington Park
Staff were directed to conduct a broad public consultation process with respect to potential installation of an entry level skateboard park on the southeast side of the city in Kensington Park, consistent with the 'Skateboard Strategy for Vancouver'.
BMX/Mountain Bike Jump Park
The Board approved a consultation process with the public, BMX and mountain biking community, and other stakeholders with respect to a proposed BMX/mountain bike jump park in Vanier Park, as a replacement facility for an installation at Oak Meadows Park that was removed during the park renewal.
Emery Barnes Park Phase 2, Environmental Site Investigation Consultant
The Board entered into a $32,980 contract with SLR Consulting (Canada) for environmental engineering services for Phase 2 of Emery Barnes Park. When complete, the Downtown South park will encompass the block bordered by Seymour, Davie and Helmcken Streets.
Olympic Games-Related Public Art - Update
The Board received an information report on the 2010 Winter Games public art program. A number of legacy, artist initiated, and Aboriginal art projects are proposed for sites under Park Board jurisdiction, including the entrance to Stanley Park, Olympic Village, Trout Lake and Killarney and Vancouver Olympic/Paralympic Centre.
Jervis Forcemain No. 2 Sewer - Vanier and Seaforth Parks
The proposed alignment of the Jervis Forcemain No. 2 extension was approved, to be constructed by the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (GVS&DD) through Vanier and Seaforth Parks. Temporary access to the two parks was approved for the purpose of the construction. Statutory rights-of-way were granted in favour of the GVS&DD and the Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD) where required to protect new and existing sewer and water infrastructures in Vanier and Seaforth Parks. A statutory right-of-way was also granted in favour of the City of Vancouver where required in Seaforth Park for future public utility purposes.
The Board put forward a Motion to direct staff to work with the Vancouver Field Sports Federation and report back by April 6, 2009 with a short list of sites to be considered for the construction of two or more artificial turf fields to be funded from the 2009-2011 Capital Plan and other sources. The Motion carried.
The Board put forward a Motion that Park Board staff work with community centre associations on the feasibility of providing wireless high-speed internet coverage and report back with an implementation plan to provide free wireless at community centres. The Motion carried.
The next regular Park Board meeting will be held at 7 pm on Monday, February 2, 2009.