of Parks and Recreation
Board Meeting
January 19, 2009 at 7:00 pm
A recording of the Agenda is available at 604-257-8507.
- Minutes of the regular
meeting of the Board held on Monday, December
8, 2008
- 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games ("Games"):
Vancouver Charter Amendment Proposals
Staff report
dated January 5, 2009 recommending that the Board approve the proposed Vancouver Charter amendment.
Presentation Slides 
- Potential Skateboard Park in Kensington Park
Staff report
January 6, 2009 recommending that the Board direct staff to conduct a public consultation process with respect to the installation of a skateboard park in Kensington Park.
Appendix A
- Proposed Skatepark Siting at Kensington Park
Presentation Slides
- BMX/Mountain Bike Jump Park
Staff report
dated January 9, 2009 recommending that the Board approve a public consultation with respect to a proposed BMX/mountain bike jump park in Vanier Park.
Appendix A
[2.2 Mb] Vanier Park Proposed BMX Site
Appendix B
Vanier Park Proposed BMX Site
Appendix C
Examples from Surrounding Municipalities
Presentation Slides 
- Jervis Forcemain No. 2 Sewer: Vanier and Seaforth Parks
Staff report
dated January 8, 2009 recommending that the Board approve Recommendations A to D.
Appendix A - Sht 1 of 2
Jervis Forcemain No. 2 Planetarium Section - Plan
Appendix A - Sht 2 of 2
Jervis Forcemain No. 2 Planetarium Section - Plan
Appendix B
Jervis Forcemain No. 2 Planetarium Section - Plan - Vanier Park
Appendix C
Jervis Forcemain No. 2 Planetarium Section - Plan - Seaforth Park
Presentation Slides
[1.1 Mb]
- Olympic Games-Related Public Art - Update
Staff report
dated January 7, 2009 recommending that the Board receive the report for information.
Appendix A - Part 1
[2.9 Mb] Arts Policy
Appendix A - Part 2
Report - Community Consultation on the Arts Policy
Appendix A - Part 3
Arts Policy Research Finding 2003
Appendix B
Acceptance Guidelines for Long-term Gifts of Public Art
Appendix C Review Guidelines for the Donations of Public Art or Memorials
Presentation Slides 
- Stanley Park Hollow Tree Restoration Proposal
Staff report
January 19, 2009 recommending that the Board approve Recommendations A and B.
Attachment I
[1.3 Mb] Restoration of Stanley Park's Hollow Tree
Attachment II
Conservation Plan for Stanley Park's Hollow Tree
- Emery Barnes Park Phase 2, Environmental Site Investigation Consultant
Staff report
January 6, 2009 recommending that the Board approve
Recommendations A to D.
Diagram 1 [jpeg] Concept Plan
Presentation Slides 
The following motion was put forward by Commissioner Robertson:
WHEREAS the Playing Field Renewal Plan approved by the Park Board in 2002 called for six artificial turf fields to be constructed in Vancouver and;
WHEREAS the residents of Vancouver approved the 2009-2011 Capital Plan which included $5,500,000 for the construction of artificial turf playing fields;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board direct staff to work with the Vancouver Field Sport Federation and report back by April 6, 2009 with a shortlist of sites to be considered for the construction of two or more artificial fields to be funded from the 2009-2011 Capital Plan and other sources.
The following motion was put forward by Commissioner Woodcock:
WHEREAS Vancouver Civic buildings, with the exception of libraries, do not have wireless internet services;
WHEREAS many North American metropolitan areas now have extensive public wireless high-speed internet coverage;
WHEREAS the Vancouver Park Board has 22 community centre association partners throughout the city that offer affordable public services;
WHEREAS community centres offer public areas to network and be active in a variety of activities;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Park Board staff work with community centre associations on the feasibility of providing wireless high-speed internet coverage and report back with an implementation plan to provide free wireless at community centres.
THAT the Board later this evening go into a meeting which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2 (1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraph:
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, February 2, 2009 at 7:00 pm.