Board of Parks and Recreation
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, May 1, 2006
at 7:00 pm
at Strathcona Community Centre
A recording of the Agenda
is available at 604-257-8507.
- Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board held on Monday, April 03, 2006
Parks and Recreation Planning Committee
Parks and Recreation Finance Committee
- Concession Strategy Study
Staff report dated April 13, 2006 recommending that the Board approve recommendations A and B.
Appendix 1
- Concession Strategy Study - Final Report
Appendix 2
- Concession Strategy Study - Final Report, cover
Appendix 3
- Concession Strategy Study - Final Report, Detailed Option Evaluation Scores
Appendix 4
- Concession Strategy Study - Final Report, Historical Sales by Site
Appendix 5
- Concession Strategy Study - Final Report, Seasonal Sales Fluctuations
- Active Communities
Staff report dated April 19, 2006 recommending that the Board approve recommendations A to D.
Appendix A
- Active Communities - Action Plan. 2006 - 2010
Appendix 1
- Recreation and Physical Fitness Study
Appendix 2
- MoreSports Fitness and Adventure Passport
Appendix 3
- Vancouver Active Infrastructure
- Memorial South Park Small Field House
Staff report dated April 13, 2006 recommending that the Board approve the decommissioning of the small field house and the area restored to green space.
- Conceptual Plan for Nelson Park
Staff report dated April 18, 2006 recommending that the Board approve the conceptual design as illustrated in Appendix 1.
Appendix 1
- Nelson Park 2006 Park Upgrade concept plan
Appendix 2
- Roberts Annex Primary School - Proposed Grounds Improvement
- 2006 Operating Budget
Staff report dated April 20, 2006 recommending that the Board approve the Park Board Global Budget of $54,878,800, including $956,800 for Added Basic costs and one-time adjustments and the New and Non-Recurring (NNR) budget of $370,000.
Appendix 1
- Park Board 2006 Budget Initiatives
Appendix 2
- Park Board 2006 Added Basic Summary
Appendix 3
- Park Board New and Non-Recurring Budget (available April 25, 2006)
The following notice of motion was put forward by Commissioner Herbert,
WHEREAS Park Board youth workers' primary role is in providing services to children and youth;
WHEREAS children and youth have distinct needs which are often not considered when decisions are made at the political level;
WHEREAS children and youth sometimes don't have the resources or confidence to advocate on their own behalf;
WHEREAS the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate worked with children and youth to define their needs, assist them with networking with community groups, politicians and service providers like Park Board youth workers in making their voices heard;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Park Board request Council to reconsider its decision on the elimination of the Child and Youth Advocate and Youth Advocate Mentor position.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, May 15, 2006 at 7:00 pm at Kensington Community Centre.