A recording of the Agenda is available at 604-257-8507.
The following are excerpts from the Board's Procedure By-law:
"The General Manager shall call the first Board meeting of the year to order and conduct the meeting for election of the Chair or until an acting Chair is appointed. The General Manager shall proceed in the same manner whenever the chair is vacant until the Board fills the vacancy."
"The presiding officer of the Board shall be its Chair who shall be elected by a majority vote from among the Board members present.Board members shall elect the Chair by ballot at the first meeting in December of each year. If a tie vote occurs, the General Manager shall remove from the ballot the nominee who receives the lowest number of votes. The Board members shall then repeat the same procedure of ballot voting and removal from the ballot of the nominee who receives the lowest number of votes until they have elected the Chair.
If a Chair is not elected at the first meeting, the Board shall appoint an acting Chair who shall conduct the Board's meetings until a Chair is elected.
The term of the Chair commences on the date of the election as Chair and terminates on the date of the first meeting in December next ensuing or, if in the last year of a term of office as a member of the Board, at the end of the term of office.
If the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Board shall forthwith elect a new Chair on the basis herein described.
The Chair shall vote on all questions submitted and shall have the same rights and be subject to the same restriction on participating in debate as other members of the Board."
When the Chair is unable to carry out all or any of the duties of the presiding officer, the Vice Chair of the Board or in the absence of the Vice Chair, such other appointed Board members, shall act for the Chair until such time as the Board makes other arrangements.
If the office of Vice Chair becomes vacant, the Board shall forthwith elect a new Vice Chair on the basis herein described." 2008 Fees and Charges
Staff report dated November 17, 2007 recommending that the Board receive for
information the 2008 Fees and Charges and approve the adjustments
as detailed in Appendix A
Consulting Services for VanDusen Botanical Garden Facilities
Renewal Project
Staff report dated November 29, 2007 recommending that the Board approve recommendations
A to D.
Stanley Park Restoration - Prospect Point Road Realignment
Staff report dated November 30, 2007 recommending that the Board approve the
attached recommended plan
for the Prospect Point road and landscape
2008 Special Events
Staff report dated November 28, 2007 recommending that the Board approve recommendations
and B
Janitorial Service Contract
Staff report dated November 20, 2007 recommending that the Board join with the
City in awarding a contract for Janitorial Services to Executive
Building Maintenance for a period of three years beginning December
17, 2007.
Dog Strategy Task Force - Summary Report
Staff report dated November 30, 2007 recommending that the Board receive the
summary report of the Dog Strategy Task Force for information.
Trout Lake Construction - Delegated Authority
Staff report dated November 29, 2007 recommending that the General Manager be
authorized to award and execute an extension of the contract with
Bird Construction for the completion of construction at the Trout
Lake Ice Arena as described in the report.
The following motion was deferred from the meeting of the Board held on Monday, October 29, 2007.
WHEREAS the Board may appoint a committee of members by resolution and specify the business to be dealt with by the committee according to the Board of Parks and Recreation Procedure By-Law 14.1;
WHEREAS a Board member who is not a member of the committee may attend a meeting and enter into debate but shall not have a vote according to Board of Parks and Recreation Procedure By-Law 14.8;
WHEREAS the Board wishes to be inclusive in its voting rights with respect to committee business;
WHEREAS the Board regularly requires detailed consideration of issues brought to the Board, which would benefit from further discussion and input from staff and members of the public by a committee; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Vancouver Park Board reorganize the committee governance structure to enable inclusive participation and voting and establishes one Committee with membership as follows:
Marty Zlotnik (Chair)
Loretta Woodcock
Ian Robertson
Korina Houghton
Spencer Herbert
Heather Holden
Allan De GenovaAs per Procedure By-Law 14.1 - 14.11
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this Committee hold regular Monday evening meetings with the first Committee meeting to be held at 7:00 pm on Monday, January 21, 2008.
THAT the Board later this evening go into a meeting which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2 of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraph:
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Board considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, January 14, 2008 at 7:00 pm.